Friday, September 5, 2014

♥ ♥ You are AWESOME ♥ ♥

Lets face it. Some days just fucking suck. I am having one of those days.

I feel like there is an image that comes with being a spiritual person that isn't necessarily representative of a lot of us. That image being a peaceful, collected, totally zen individual who goes to yoga and meditates religiously and drinks wheat grass juice everyday for breakfast. I don't know about you, but this doesn't describe me at all. I couldn't be farther from it. Sometimes I get insecure about my vices. Living in a small spiritual city doesn't help either. Sometimes I can't help but feel judged. Maybe this feeling is coming from my own insecurities, maybe not.

But fuck that.

None of you should ever be ashamed or insecure about where you are on your path. Honor your journey! We are all at different places. This is about you. I have come to realize that the ascension process is an arduous one at best. Changing your life takes time. This is not easy work and it is not for the faint of heart. You are awakening while most of the world stays asleep, and that is an incredibly difficult weight to take on. We have responsibilities now. We have a mission. That doesn't mean that over night we will magically turn into a light warrior with perfect health and virtue. We all have cleaning up to do. Take your time.

Recognize that this is a re-learning experience. I find myself getting so overwhelmed because I feel like enough isn't happening, or that I'm not doing enough. I so desperately want all of these changes and abilities to appear over night. That's not how its going to be for most of us. We have to work on it. We have to build a new routine that supports our developing gifts and talents. Over the last two years, I have dramatically changed my lifestyle. This involved overcoming huge feats including a decade long problem with drugs, food, and self-worth. It has been quite a journey, and its no where near from over. My point is, I'm working on it every day. I am not the idealized image of a spiritual woman. I am, however, pretty fucking awesome. You are too! Recognize it and be proud of yourself!

You are changing the world. You are participating in a galactic event that will change life as we know it on Earth and throughout the entire universe. 

So, go forth and keep kicking ass. You're doing great. 

A thousand space kisses and many blessings,

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