Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Galactic Federation of Light Sheldan Nidle August-26-2014


Mind led body to the edge of the precipice. 
They stared in desire at the naked abyss.
 If you love me, said mind, take that step into silence.
 If you love me, said body, turn and exist. 
Anne Stevenson

Reminder: what you are doing really matters!

Its not easy being a multidimensional, luminescent being stuck in this dense world!  Sometimes I catch myself thinking, "why do I have to have a job? Why must we work? This is so silly, I just want to fly through space with my space fam." I've been on the hunt for a second job here in Asheville where they are definitely not aplenty, so I've been thinking about this a lot lately.

We all chose to live here on 3D Earth, lets keep this in mind. I have to remind myself of that often. Its so easy to get caught up in Earth drama- especially because we were erased of our cosmic memory upon birth here. The unfortunate truth is, we all have to make a living. Most of us will not use our galactic knowledge, gifts and sensitives and build a business around it. I have much respect and admiration for those who can do this successfully! Its not for everyone, though. So how can the rest of us make it through the work day?

 I am currently a full time waitress. I also have a bachelors degree that I can't seem to want to do anything with. I get asked a lot, "why are you doing this?". Well, I do enjoy it. I love talking to strangers! People are so interesting. I learned a long time ago that I don't have to have a spiritual business to reach people in that way. I found that I don't even have to talk about anything spiritual in nature, either. After all, I do live in the bible belt. It is probably a topic best left alone while I'm at work. But this is the beautiful thing about energy! If you are being genuine and true to your mission, you will affect people simply by being in their presence. Being happy, helpful and always showing gratitude is just enough. After all, at the very core of it all, Spirit is Love. Be loving and kind to all that you encounter, and you are on the right path! Let Spirit take it from there.

There is an awesome passage in Bringers of the Dawn, by Barbara Marciniak that I always reference back to when I am feeling bad about work:

 "Your assignment is to carry information and to evolve yourself to the highest capability within the human form. When you do this, you cannot help but affect multitudes. You may feel that your particular occupation is not on a grand scale- say, for instance, you are a waitress. Remember, things are not what they appear to be on the outside, and everyone you come in contact with is affect by your vibration."

Keep this in mind when you are struggling to get through the work day. What you are doing does matter, even if you don't think that it is. You are far more powerful that you even realize! Think about it. Your existence is changing the world. Carry that with you everyday and rock it!

Much love and many blessings ♥ 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Krista Raisa: The High Council of Orion August 19 2014

♥ Transmission 1 ♥

YOU are a dynamic being of light. YOU have so much power and limitless potential. you are not confined by the laws of 3D. You will excel in ways and dimensions you have never imagined. Isn't that wonderful? We are telling you the future is so bright it is literally blinding. You cannot see what is ahead of you because it is nothing that Earth has ever experienced before. Do not fear because you cannot see the future clearly. We bring you these messages to help guide you through the dark. Can you see the light at the end of the tunnel? You are much closer than you know. Fear not, friends! Lean on us and we will show you the way. We are here to assist if you would only allow us to. Many, many of you are opening up and welcoming us into your lives. Don't we feel familiar? That is because we are. We are family. We welcome you to our community of light. A galactic neighborhood, so to speak. Does this excite you? We can feel the domino effect taking place. When you welcome the light, why would you want to continue living in the dark? This is a beautiful thing. Your presence is powerful. You affect those around you greatly. Allow yourself to shine brightly. Do not limit yourself! You have no limitations. The world is yours if you are brave enough to take it! Manifest your desires. Believe in the UnBElievable. Fear stifles you. Fear prevents you from connecting with us. Disregard fear and reconnect with your galactic family! FEEL it in your hearts that we come only with love. Let love Rule.

Dear ones, we love you! Until next time.


I've been waking up like this a lot. Early, restless, curious & anticipating. I catch myself wondering when things are going to change. I have been trying. I feel like I've been trying. But then again, I also feel paralyzed. Sometimes I feel so stifled by fear I forget that all I have to do to turn my day around is do something different. Changing the way we feel so quickly isn't easy, but changing our environment is. Go outside. Look at something pretty. Talk to someone different. I know this. I still don't utilize it like I know I can. I feel like I have been stuck in the same routine, the same profession, the same habits for such a long time & now that I have moved to a different state I find  myself still wanting to do the same things even though they don't make me happy. Routine can make you happy for a while because it feels safe. When we are scared, that primal instinct kicks in. Get to safety right fucking now. There is nothing safe feeling about where I am at now. Does this mean I should resist change? Absolutely not.

Change is terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. Its like going on a roller coaster blind-folded and backwards. But I'm telling you all this right now...we do not have time to be scared. We do not have time to be stagnant.  This is IT. We've waited lifetimes to get to this point. Its finally here! No cowering in our homes any longer. We must be active. We must participate. This is our calling. This is our mission. There's no turning back now. And why would you want to? No more suffering. No more pain. The Golden Age is on the cusp of our world, and we must welcome it home!

I felt guided to open up one of my favorite books, Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak. Our brothers and sisters of the Pleiades tell us:

"You have come to alter and remove the frequency of limitation and to bring in the new frequency of information. When you are informed, you move beyond the need to be in fear. When you feel uninformed and out of control, you do not understand the bigger picture. Each of you came to awaken something inside yourself, inside the coding of your being-the DNA-and you are responding to it. This is why you are on a search in all directions of your life... 
Eventually, when you alter, carry, and maintain your own frequency, you will vibrate differently and affect everyone around you. They will feel the availability of this frequency alteration, which will then move like a wave around the planet...this new frequency is all knowledge, light, and information. It is called being taken out of are coming into light." 

We are so used to the feeling of limitation, that without it we feel uneasy, unstable. When you feel like this,  ride it out. There is such an huge influx of energy coming in right now. Ride it like a wave. Utilize it. These are trying times, but we are here and we are doing it. Don't give up! Don't give in. When you feel like you're not doing enough, remember that you're doing much more than you realize when you allow yourself to live by and be guided by the heart.

"State of mind is the name of the game here. We cannot emphasize that to you enough: how you feel about reality and how you program reality is how you are going to respond to it or how it is going to present itself to you. That is why we say,' Go for it! Be outrageous! Do what excites you! Do the impossible!' You can do it. You can do whatever you want to do. You will transform your world no matter what state the world is in."  

So there you have it, be courageous! You are much more brilliant and strong that you remember. This ain't your first rodeo, and this isn't your time to be a victim. You are a leader, a game changer, and a carrier of light. Will you accept your mission?

Friday, August 22, 2014

✴ Channeling & Cosmic Telepathy ✴

Channeling is not a new phenomena by any means. Since the dawn of recorded history, there are accounts of human beings receiving divine guidance and prophecy from the stars. Sometimes referred to as mediumship, channeling is the cooperative effort between an earth-plane channel and a non-physical, intelligent energy form geared to bring information from one side of the veil to the other. While it can be used as a way to communicate with non-living relatives or friends, more recently it appears to be the foremost means of communication between extraterrestrial civilizations and planet Earth.

Its no questions that the human race is on the cusp of some great changes. Whether this ends in our demise or a complete redesign of our planet's social and economic structure and ultimately the restoration of Gaia's health is up to us. It seems, however, that many of our galactic neighbors are rooting us on and even want to help. This is where channeling plays a critical role. Telepathic communication to certain individuals (who probably made this agreement prior to this earthly incarnation) is an non-invasive way for ETs to make contact. There is an incredible amount of fear around the UFO phenomena due to horrifying accounts of abduction and over the top Hollywood productions of alien invasion. Do you really think if aliens wanted to talk to us they would fly down to earth on a massive spacecraft, landing on the president's lawn, demanding to see our leader? Hell no. From an anthropological perspective, that's insane. It makes much more sense to be silent observers, slowly integrating their existence into our own.

The internet makes it easy for ideas to spread far and wide with amazing speed. Channels all over the world writing, recording & publishing transmissions daily. These messages seem to act as a trigger for most upon first discovering them. At first you might think its weird. It might make you uncomfortable. But still, Something about it captivates you. One YouTube video leads to another and before you know it, you've accepted this as the truth. It just feels right. This is how it happened to me. When you Wake Up, your entire world starts to shift. It is an incredible journey with no limitations and no end. How far do you want to go?

Matt Muckleroy: Galactic Federation of Light
Daryl Anka: Bashar
Krista Raisa: The High Orion Council
 Vanessa Lamorte: The Lyran-Sirian Council

First Contact Ground Crew
Méline Lafont